Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Last Day of School 2012

Originally this year Sophia was just going to do preschool at home, but after a few months, I could tell she was totally bored and needed some kids her own age to play with. Luckily Soph's little buddy asked if we wanted to carpool with them, his teacher happened to have an opening. I'm glad we took up on it because Soph (for once in her life) went willingly and loved every second of it.

Sophia was so excited to graduate from preschool, I on the other hand cried like a baby. Seriously, sitting at her graduation I over heard some moms next to me saying how excited they are that their kid would be moving on to all day kindergarten. I spoke up and said I was "totally sad"...followed by teary eyes and then got so embarrassed. So I sat there biting my lip and trying not to lose it. After the ceremony we went out front to take pictures with her teacher and it hit me that we wouldn't be seeing her wonderful sweet teacher any more. As soon as I turned and walked away I totally lost it. Yeah, so crazy...I was kind of emotional for a few days. Sophia's my youngest...the last one. It seems like just yesterday we were rushing to Vegas to pick her up. Our little 'Bundle of Joy'.

As for the boys, they were looking forward to sleeping in, but loved school and knew they'd miss seeing their friends every day. American Leadership Academy was a great school for them as far as friends and standards/morals go, but as for the quality of teachers and academics...not so much. The teachers were all nice and they bought quality curriculum, they just need to have higher standards for hiring teachers. I know some of them were pulled right out of the PTO to teach 7th graders. Or after only teaching a few years were made vice principal. Eeek! I don't say this to bash them, I actually like the administration and teachers, but I am always asked what I think of ALA from friends looking for a school for their kids and I have to be honest. We  gave them three years to get their crap together and it just never happened.  I really regret not pulling them out sooner. Beautiful new building, across from the new Gilbert temple and all that hype, but rather than putting all their money into four new locations, they should focus on the original school in Gilbert and get it up to par before they try growing fast. They also seemed to have no loyalty to their teachers or their parents. Time and time again I heard of teachers quiting due to being under paid and over worked. Kade had three teachers in a five month period. Sad. Seriously disappointed.

On a brighter note, this video is at Sophia's graduation with her class singing songs. She got SO shy as soon as she came in. I couldn't get her to smile or even sing for that matter. Poor girl was SO excited to perform all her songs and then just got too nervous. :)

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