I'm Jessica, a sun worshipping Arizonan, thirty-something mom to three hilarious kiddos. I love good music, early mornings, motivational speakers, running, reading, learning, adoption, homeschool, photography, date nights, traveling, NFL, cash budgets Arrested Development and reality television. I blog to journal, vent, ramble, and share the things I love.
I began blogging in February of 2008, it started out as a living scrapbook for all our family and friends who live so far away, but turned out to be a theraputic and creative outlet for me, as I do my best to make it through this thing called motherhood. Reading great blogs inspires me to be a better mother, wife, friend and homemaker. Blogging has taught me to embrace this awesome chapter of my life where I can love on my little ones, and help them grow to reach their potential.
I'm somewhat of a 'frustrated perfectionist', I love trying new things, working towards goals (generally way too many at once) then don't always achieve them hense the 'frustration' part. No...our life's not perfect, maybe sometimes I should write more about 'those days you'd like to forget' but I consider myself pretty lucky and in general try to focus on the beauty and blessings in my life.
I hope you will find something helpful as you read this random, yet candid blog.
You can read about my love of all things fitness and health over at sweatismysanity.blogspot.com, a blog I started after signing up for my first half marathon.