Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blissdom Bound & Setbacks

I'm getting SO excited for my trip to Nashville next week!! It's my first time going to Blissdom and there's all sorts of butterflies partying it up in my stomach.

Handouts for some of my favorite bloggers.

It's really not like me to try something like this...the crowds, the strangers, over the top estrogen levels, but this year I'm trying new things and pushing myself to grow and stretch. I'm looking forward to meeting some of the awesome woman I've been blogging with for three years now. I can't believe it's been that long. Edie's been asking me for a few years to go and be her roomie...I'd committ then chicken out forty-something times (remember how I hate committment), but I finally took the plunge and bought my tickets. I'm rooming with Patty from Finding Serendipity and maybe we'll convince Edie to stay a night, but due to her situation I'll be happy if I can just give her a big old hug!

It'll be rough leaving my laundry behind, oh and of course Big Papa and the kiddos...more specifically Sophia. Her constant shouting "Mom, where are you?" or her demands for cold pizza, her monopolizing the office computer and her public announcements that she needs to go pooh! But seriously I'm totally going to miss her little ;) winks and "I wuv you's". I trust that Patty's not an axe murderer, that I'll learn a lot while I'm there and come back with a swing in my step and a bunch of fun, new ideas.

This week bloggers all over are asking the million dollar question...

What are you wearing to Blissdom? Followed by pics of cute outfit ideas, what shoes to wear, what kind of shoes NOT to wear. I'm pretty sure my new little friend would qualify in the NOT category...
(this is where the setback comes in)

A week before Christmas I was a clutz while wearing my clogs and injured my foot. Yeah it killed and I knew I'd hurt it but I'd just started training for the Sedona 10K, so I channeled my inner Favre and powered through it. Turns out that was a dumb idea, it's progressivly gotten worse even with a 1 1/2 week running break, so I finally went in for an Xray. There was no fracture maybe tendonitis? So they sent me home with this hot little number. I'm suppossed to wear it and stay off my foot (which we all know is impossible)!

Hopefully it will feel better by next week because I'm not rockin' it at Blissdom!! 

Since I have a bazillion things to do before I leave, and I am going to need this foot for say the next 50-60 years, I'll {try} to stay off it with help from my new giant wall hanging...
fitting isn't it?

Kimball and Jaxon both asked me if we were really going to keep it right in our living room and my response was, "Heck yeah we are!"

It's pretty much my new motto...comes in handy in almost any situation.

*don't forget to enter the love banner giveaway winner is picked Friday morning!!


  1. How fun! Sorry to hear about your foot. Get well soon. Can't wait to hear all about your trip.

  2. I pray that all of you go and have a sweet time of bonding with each other. It sounds like so much fun. I look forward to hearing all of the stories you all will share!
    I am sure you will come back refreshed and ready to go:)

  3. Lucky! I so want to go to Blissdom! Maybe next year!!!

  4. Sorry about your foot. Have fun at Blissdom. I am only about 3 hours from there in Memphis. Wish I would branch out of my comfort zone and attend something like that but not now.

  5. Hoping your foot is feeling better already! Even if you have to wear your foot cast thingy to Blissdom you will look amazing! Take lots of pictures...can't wait to hear all about it. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun!

  6. FUN!!! One of these years I'm going to make it to Blissdom or Relevant.

    Have a great time. I hope your foot heals ASAP.

  7. i promise i am not an axe murderer, but if i was... i would still probably say that now wouldn't i? ;)

    rockin the boot or not... it's gonna be fun!

  8. I would love to attend Blissdom, but I recently had surgery, and I can't travel right now. Next year, perhaps! Have a great time :D

    ~Ricki Jill
