Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blissdom Remembered {The Concert}

My first time at Blissdom was so blissful I'm going to have to break it down for you throughout the week, today I'll start with the
{Mat Kearney Concert}
because let's face it, that deserves a post of its own.
Blissdom was awesome, everything about it...but this was by FAR the best event. Mat Kearney (my FAVORITE songwriter/musician) and Michelle Branch (who I also really like).
I was determined to get a good seat so I pulled the old 'front row sit on the floor' seat in the house. ;)
Photo credit: Life In Grace
Apparently Edie and I not only share a love for 'all things Favre', but 'all things Kearney' too!!
It was sad really....squealing like school girls.
Oh and don't think we didn't get a picture with him...cuz we did! {insert three squeals} 
Mat did not dissapoint, with lyrics like this how could he? He was funny as all get out, and SO SO nice. I think we have a date next time he's in Phoenix...
'for the singing'!!
(inside joke...I know right!!?!?!!!?). :)


If all that wasn't blissful enough, I got to come home to these four lovey doves!

Stay tuned for the next Blissdom Remembered post
where I'll show you all the amazing women I met.

And because I heart you all so much and I want you to heart Mat Kearney (if you don't already), I posted a playlist of
'All Things Kearney' below.


Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

linking up with Snapshot Sunday and Mussings of a Housewife


  1. i loved how excited you were. one of my best memories.

  2. So adorable! YOU made me love Mat Kearney!

  3. I want to go to Blissdom next year! I am glad you had a great time :D

  4. aww-love this jessica! love the music on your blog!! not even silencing it!! :)) i feel the same way, breaking it down, but working now to tie it up as nicely as i can?? we'll see... miss you so much... had 3 conversations with you today that you don't even know about!! :)

  5. what a great getaway! glad to hear you had such a good time :)

  6. Thanks for the message! Your family is adorable! Sand and Sisal blog got a photo with Mat- maybe you could ask her how she got it??

  7. I am BUMMED that I missed the concert! Too many fun options, too little time!

  8. Looks like a GREAT time! So jealous ~ maybe I can be a cool blogger & join you all next year :)

  9. Ditto to what Ruth said, I loved your enthusiasm for Mat, so contagious. I wish you could've seen the 2 girls who almost trampled us from behind that were screaming "we love you Mat, we're single". So glad you are safely home :)

  10. I love "undeniable"....I need to listen to more of him!

    It looks like such a wonderful time!! I love all the photos....and vicariously through everyones Blissdom posts.

    I need a girls weekend!

  11. ...that should be "living vicariously" ;)

  12. What fun! I'll have to check out his music!
    Thanks for joining in on Sunday Snapshot :)
