Tuesday, January 18, 2011

this housewife is...

living in the laundry room...
widdling away at this...
hopped up on this...
decorating this...
while sporting this....

so here's my question...

are camoflage pants out?

because certain members of my family tell me they are,

and once again,


while i'm on the subject

lemme just say...

the worst fashion fopa {in my book}

are moms {in particular}

that wear every accesory known to man...

at the same time.

you know what i mean...

the giant flower, chunky bracelets, big belt, headband, chandelier earrings, layered necklaces and a scarf,

leaving them looking like claire's boutique exploded on them!!

but who am i to judge?
 (refer to above photo)

*don't forget to enter the love banner giveaway!!


  1. homeschoolers and camo go together, right? lol

    at least that's what i hear in all the homeschool jokes :D

    love the bedroom. beautiful!

  2. I think camo is sort of timeless. Isn't it? It's like khaki....sort of neutral. I hope. I have como shorts that I love.

    This housewife is ready for her husband to come home from a business trip, is hormonal and feeling lazy!

  3. did you see how long your "to do" list was? You wear whatever pants you want to!

  4. That made me smile. I'm not sure about the camoflage, but I know my comfy dressy sweats are way out of style! Oh well! I get so much more done on my "to do" list when I'm comfortable :)

  5. You are one BUSY lady! And as for the camo, what ever is comfortable is fine, especially when you are as cute as YOU!

  6. I personally don't sport camo, but I did see some cute camo pants in target in the Selena Gomez area that my daughter totally fell in love with. I think they look cute on you.
    I am a scarf wearing momma with a pandora bracelet and wedding ring. I go all out. LOL Haven't attempted the belts yet, but I have them in my closet...don't think i would wear a scarf with it though...it would cover it up :)

  7. Oh, I love accessories...just not all 20 at once. :) Thanks ladies...looks like I can keep the camo for now, they're just so comfy.

  8. I totally agree with your fashion pet peeve!!! 110%!!!! I hate all the accessories, like the long necklaces with every other over the top accessory available. Im so glad you said it first haha!! Simple is much much better most the time. Oh and i love camo. I have camo shorts but not pants but i would rock them if i did!

  9. OMGoodness..no camo pants are not out! I have a pair and I LOVE them! love what your wearing! Your list looks JUST like mine:) I am a total list maker..I'm held captive by mine in fact. Thanks for your realness...I LOVE it:)

  10. Camo is always in style...
