Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What's On Your Nightstand?

ISO 400  f 4.8  1/25  Nikon 16-85mm

First off, Happy Birthday to my sweet Sophia who turned four today!

To Read Shelf:
David 90 Days With A Heart Like His

*I've heard great things about each of these books. One Thousand Gifts is part of an online book club, Unmarketing and The Gifts of Imperfection were both written by the fabulous keynote speakers at Blissdom.
I can hardly wait to dig in!

Current Reads Shelf:

*I'm almost finished with Your Best Life, love it! Pretty much the whole book is highlighted and dog eared. Simple Abundance is good but it's one of those 'one page a day' for a year reads, so I'm trying not to rush ahead.

Recent Reads Shelf:

* I loved both of these. To read my reviews click on the book cover below in my Goodreads section.
*To check any of these book out on Amazon, simply click on the title.
So let me know what you've got your nose in this week, OK?

-Happy Reading-

{linking up with finding serendipity for her new 'manual mode' series}


  1. I love book recommendations! I blog about books every Friday in my Literary Friday posts.

    Ricki Jill

  2. This is such a great shot of your books! So clear and crisp. I linked to you from Patty's blog and just want to say hello! I am actually posting tomorrow about my reading selection. Books are so much fun to photograph since they won't run away from you (I have little ones too.) You have a very lovely blog and I will be back to visit soon!

  3. You have such a cute night stand! It reminds me that I need to go get a fresh new book...I haven't found anything lately that has made me want to buy it. I think I should go get a library card...

    I'm hosting a giveaway this week so be sure to check it out!

  4. I'm loving One Thousand Gifts! So good. I usually have a few books going at once. I'm trying to really focus on OTG.

  5. happy, happy birthday to Sophia! i love her birthdate.
    i'm just starting Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother...

  6. happy birthday to sophia! :)
    JUST came from the bookstore! :: Understaning Exposure, Brian Peterson and 110 way to take better Portrait Photographs, Daniel Lezano & Bjorn Thomassen...
    Your shot is SO clear and crisp! Love it! Plus, all those books have good memeories for me! :))

  7. WOW!!! I dont think you want to know what is on my nightstand. Yours looks so clean and organized......mine isnt so much.

  8. Okay, so it's time to start planning a little trip to FL so we can get our little princesses together! Great picture & I recognize a few of those titles! :-)

  9. Thanks for the recommendations. Great lighting too!

  10. I am finishing Redeeming Love...just read Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity. I just received Ann's book...can't bring myself to read it yet...not sure why?
    Also have to pickup from library...something like " your secret name?" :)
