Monday, April 25, 2011

Confessions {my new fitness blog}

I have a little secret...I am now blogging over at
After making my New Year's Resolution to run a half marathon, and the desire to get back my old healthy lifestyle (pre-kids), I decided to journal it all on a new fitness blog. You can read more HERE.



  1. Good luck with your training, Jessica! I bet you will be running these half-marathons in no time!

  2. So - I love you. We just got back from a 6 day vacation (eating fiesta) and I told my hubs last night that I was done over eating and that I was going to get back on the workout bandwagon. I just read every single post on your Running Mama blog - I'm hooked! Keep posting!! Medifast sounds miserable but I am so impressed with your dedication! I HATE running - but am trying to will myself to do it! Keep inspiring me:)

  3. So - I love you. You totally inspire me. I just finished reading every single post on your Running Mama blog. I've been thinking about getting the stinkin' 'mama weight' off recently too. Keep going!

  4. I don't like running. So many people love it! I must be weird that way. Good luck! I'm sure you look fabulous!

  5. Thanks for the support ladies. Love ya!
