Monday, June 6, 2011

Drama Mama & Tween Talk

Don't let Little Mama's Sunday dress and smile fool you, she's all drama. She had ballet a few weeks back when we were moving. Between my trips back and forth I didn't have time to go back to the old house for her ballet clothes, so I thought she'd be fine in her cotton tank and shorts. Oh geez was I wrong! Seriously, she cried and cried about it. Who knew she was such a diva!?!? I've created a monster. :)

Then on this particular day, I pulled out her new ballet clothes thinking she'd be all smiles,

and she was until I told her she couldn't wear it with the straps in the front!! This having a daughter thing is kickin' my butt I tell ya! I've changed her nickname to 'Little Drama Mama'.

As for my tween, he had a blast throwing a surprise party for his best friend Thomas. Such a great group of sad Thomas has to move. :(

That brings us to Kade, he's about half way through his rehearsals for The Adventures of Pinocchio. It will be fun to see him on stage again, he absolutely loves doing plays. He's having a great time dancing, singing and making friends. Today he told me he should just get permanent make-up so he didn't have to bother with it every night. LOL. He has me laughing on a regular basis!

Other summer happenings: The boys and I are reading aloud The Hiding Place, hopefully it will be a good read. I'm also making a list of goals and things we can do to stay busy this summer.

What are you reading this summer?



  1. Hi Jessica! Yes, I live in the panhandle of Texas! I absolutely cannot believe a fireman would set a fire! (My hubs is a fireman in a smaller town and some of the stuff people pull amazes me.) Anyways- thanks so much for your comment! I've added your blog to my list of reads and hope to keep up with you and your family! Hope you have a fantastic day!

  2. Your blog is beautiful. We have so much in common. Thanks for following me:)

  3. Can I steel that nick name for my little drama mama??? So fitting!!!! Too bad we aren't a little closer and they could be drama queens together!!!!!!! She is so beautiful Jess! Miss ya! xoxoxo

  4. Love the blog! Thanks for visiting my site and introducing me to yours. We're reading a lot of personality books and organics books. Heavy stuff for a light summer!

  5. TRYing to read the autobiography of ghandi... it's an oprah bookclub suggestion!! (hahaha) for bookclub and i couldn't resist "state of wonder", a novel... have you heard any of matt kearny's new album?? it's awesome!! love!
