Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday Summer Confessions


Here's the 411 on what I've been up to, in case anyone's wondering (which I'm sure you're not). :) We've basically been in what my friend Edie calls 'hunker down mode', it's blazing hot here and dry as a bone!

Call me crazy but the 116 degree temps have temporarily cured my desire to go running. I can almost hear myself getting fatter but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. If I were still living in Utah, I'd just now be coming out of hybernation.

After reading The Skinny Italian, I've been trying my hand at authentic Italian cooking...

I've spent endless hours scrubbing tile grout...

while becoming morbidly obsessed with this...

serving up microwave smore's, (as in that was dinner)!

I'm running a sweat shop clipping coupons...

giving 5 minute breaks for dance parties, while Jaxon plays us a beat on the keyboard...

knocking out last minute scout projects...

and only leaving the house for runs to Bahama Buck's!

So what are your summer confessions?
Link up here.


  1. Well I for one HAVE been wondering! You finally inspired me to get off my lazy butt & start running & now you're on hiatus. :-) LOL, it's hot here too, & muggy, but 95 nothing like 116. The only way running is tolerable is to go at 3:30am. Good thing I'm an early riser. :-) BTW, thanks for the gum tip, it works like a charm!

    I'm glad to see you're keeping up with the coupons. Sofia is so cute! Love the patriotic blog design. Have a Happy 4th!

  2. i loved it! i wouldn't run in 116 degree weather either. thanks for linking up.

  3. okay...I haven't been able to run for about a year due to a back injury...2 bulging even though I go to the gym 3-4 times each week, I feel as FAT as ever...lets just say, I don't just have bulging discs anymore...I have bulging EVERYTHING. YUCK.

    And, we LOVE us some microwave smores. you do not want to know how many I've eaten this summer.


    And, I'm hooked on the Casey Anthony trial, too, cause it's right here in my backyard....I live in Orlando and it all happened within 15 miles from our house...SAD!!!

    okay...Happy 4th!!!

  4. Love micro smores! Have you ever microwaved m&m's?? The outside stays hard, but the inside melts. Yum!

    I need to get the Skinny Italian. I'm Italian, but I think I could use some guidance in the kitchen(my mom agrees!)

  5. sounds like our days...oh how I love summer though. Those really hot weeks seem to never end though. I hear you! and I wouldn't feel like running either:)
    looks like a fun week though...stay cool!

  6. Your little coupon clipper is so cute! I can't even imagine it being that hot...I wouldn't want to run, either!
