Monday, February 14, 2011

Couponing 101...{The Story of a Newbie}

Spring has sprung here in Arizona, so it's time for some spring cleaning {in all areas of our life} as I wrote about HERE and to get back to the Dave Ramsey way of life.

Saturday I cleaned out the spare garage and dejunked a few areas in the house. I'm a nut when it comes to makes me want to pull my hair out and I'm not kidding!! I also hate feeling like I'm being wasteful so it's time to tighten up the budget again so we can really crack down and save for THIS. We've been in a rental since May, and while we've been able to save money and pay down some debt, we could be doing a lot better.

Last month at Blissdom, I met a sweet and adorable friend named Ruth (on the left). She not only looks like a super model, but she's smart, domestic and SO much fun!! Ruth blogs over at Living Well Spending Less where she inspires women to use coupons and live a fabulous but frugal lifestyle. Her motto is save money on things you have to buy so you have more money for the things you want to buy.

Take a look at her blog and see for yourself the loads of money she saves each week!! If you are interested in starting to coupon but it seems overwhelming and you don't know where to start, go HERE.

In the past I've used the excuse that I don't have time or that it's a pain in the tush, but the reality is, I'm not homeschooling anymore and the stores/internet have made it pretty simple once you get the system down. It also helps that I've got Ruth on speed dial! :)

I did my Couponing 101 homework this weekend and ordered 3 Sunday papers, printed a few coupons online and organized my small accordian envelope (to fit in my purse) and a hanging file system to stick the weekly paper inserts in. Here's how I did so far this week...
On my first run to Fry's Marketplace, I bought $135.oo worth of groceries and with coupons and VIP card saved $50.15, bringing the total to $84.27 a 37% savings!!!

I had to rush home to take the kids to school, but went back on my way home and got all my laundry & freezer/dairy items. I bought $166.00ish worth of groceries and with coupons & VIP card saved $78.81 bring the total to $88.76 a 48% savings!!!

I was pretty excited but I have to say, I know I can do better so it frustrated me a little, baby steps I guess! It will help once I learn what  the rock bottom prices are so I only buy sale items that are REALLY low, and once I learn how to stack coupons and get a stock pile of them. As the "house manager" though, it was nice to feel like I'm saving money for once rather than just spending it.

I am also working on using what I have on hand BEFORE it goes bad...especially w/ veggies. Don't you judge me, I know you do it too!!  The ultimate goal is to get a one year supply of food and necessities.

Thanks Ruth for all your help and inspiration!


  1. Oh honey, I'm all teary! You just made my month. It makes me so happy that you are so excited about couponing and I am more than glad to help (and that goes for any of your lovely readers who have questions as well.)

    Meeting you at Blissdom made the whole trip worthwhile. Love ya lots!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. I am all for getting out and staying out of with less to have more...yep!
    encouraging words

  3. Wow! I need to meet this Ruth and her blog. Ruth rocks!

  4. I'm glad you joined the coupon side. I am a regular couponer and love it!!! Last year I bought 36 ben and jerrys ice creams for 4 bucks total! HEY YEAR SUPPLY OF ICE CREAM IS IMPORTANT hee hee

  5. Well lady - you may have inspired me to try couponing again:)
    We are also trying to live the Dave Ramsey way - it's so awesome. We are also renting so we can pay off all of our debt and save for a large down payment. It's going great!! Couponing may help even more:)

  6. You did very well saving some dough! I just came back from Stop n Shop and Trader Joe's....I am ashamed to say I didn't use one coupon. I need to do better!

  7. you did great, jess and i'm so impressed you jumped in! i've been so tempted! i love the way ruth does her videos w her sweet trouble to entertain us :)! and i'm always blown away by how much ya'll save... thanks for coming by and i totally understanding the crashing down around... happens here all the time. in fact, if you ould see this table i'm at, you'd be SURE something crashed down!! :)) miss ya!

  8. Way to go! I coupon on and off, and usually LOVE it!!!! In fact I just got some $30 kid tevas for $3, gotta love that. Wish you were in Utah, I could share the locals blogs and sales. Anyway good luck, and good for you for sharing your savings. Every now and then I come home and put my receipts on the fridge just like a child's piece of art work on display. We just started TTM by Dave. LOVE it!
