Wednesday, February 9, 2011

If Loving Tim Riggins Is Wrong...

I don't wanna be right!
It's been a rough year, I'm not gonna lie.
First Favre got injured and retired (for good) and now my favorite t.v. show is going off the air,
so I'm doing what any true fan would do...
I'm throwing a party!!!
Friday Night Lights is my fave...second only to Arrested Developement.

I've watched all five seasons,
following it from network to network...
slowly picking up speed,
all the time secretly annoyed it wasn't actually aired on Friday night.

I will miss you Tim Riggins and Coach Taylor!!

Linking up with Things I Love Thursday's.


  1. LOL, you crack me up. I thought it originally aired on a Friday? But what would I know, I've NEVER watched it! Guess it's time. :-)

  2. i'm going to miss it too. i can't believe all the good shows are going off the air. first 24 and lost, now this.

  3. this made my night.
    this is how i feel about patrick dempsey.

  4. I have never seen the show. I only let my kids watch one show each during the weeknights, so we watch Being Human and The Vampire Diaries (teenage girls, LOL)....

  5. Ruth, you are right. It was on Friday night it's first season...I used to watch it all by myself because Kimball would be at the Scottsdale friday night football games w/ his friend.

    Loving the party so far!!! :D

  6. Watching Arrested Development as I type this. Best show ever!

  7. I have never seen it! I do adore Kyle Chandler though. Do you remember the show he was in called Early Edition? I loved it.
    I'm always sad when a show I love goes off the air. What a nice way to celebrate it!

  8. Yes, loved him in Early Edition. My bff and I used to watch it every week.

  9. you are so funny! i totally could not for the life of me understand that text! but now, aha! :)) was it a good party??? :)
    love to you~

  10. Don't shoot me but I have never seen it. However i know that for those who have, the love runs deep. I think your party sounds awesome!!

  11. I've never seen it but I hate when my favs go off air..

  12. I loved it so much.I watch its last season and after than its one of mine favorite.I will watch all this season also.

  13. now i get the text! Wish we could've all partied together! Have never seen the show but will make it a point to find it. Rock on with your festivities!

  14. DID you erase your facebook?!?!?! I was going to post on your wall, " Tonights DATE NIGHT!!!" wooooo yahhh! Haha. Well i've been slackin on the blog cause I haven't been getting home until 9 with my new job..But this weekend i'm going to get some good stuff up!!! =] And just in case you were wondering we DOOOO still want to move out there. But we've had some setbacks and so we have to sign another lease here, so its looking like it will be at least 6 months =[ But we can save that way!!!

  15. I just saw a photo of Tim Riggins on someone's side bar linking to this post and clicked right over! I so feel your pain about this show going off the air. I feel like they were all friends moving on with their life and forgetting us! :)

    I never thought to throw a party!!!

  16. Oh lord you are a hoot! I can't believe you are cheating on Kenny Loggins with all these other men! Sheesh! :)

  17. ok... just popped in to tell you congrats! i thought you did a FABULOUS job shopping... sheesh. now do i have to try this???
    miss you!
