Friday, February 18, 2011

the wheels on the bus...

in my efforts to simplify and save,
i signed the boys up for the school bus.

while this may not sound like a big deal...
it is.
 to me.

it's one more step I take toward letting go...

up until this point the boys have been spoiled,
having a personal driver to and from school.

i'm afraid now they think they're "slummin' it"!

if the loud cluncky noises weren't enough for my little worrier kade...
seeing the body fluid clean-up kit about sent him over the edge.

i can't stop laughing about that one!!

but if i survived the bus,
i know kade will too.


to give you an update on this post...
with much effort jaxon has an A in math,

and kade thinks he just might like school;
it helped that he received the leadership award and got to eat pizza with the principle.
of course it didn't help when a fellow classmate told him to
"suck it".
that's what he gets for being bossy i guess...
all business that one!

sophia's finally loving preschool,
it seems she's crazy about a few boys there...
i fear what's to come. :)

big pappa got me this {my kids rock} tee for v-day,
thanks paperlili,
now sophia and i are twinsies...she loves it!
sorry to my facebook friends,
but i'm taking a break...
again with the simplifying.

-happy weekend-


  1. I recently deactivated my Facebook account, too. I was not on in much, but it was an unecessary distraction (along with many other reasons).
    The more I simplify in various areas....the better I feel :)

    Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Hey girl!! I LOVE your t-shirt! It's so cute!!! I'm so glad you're still blogging! Don't give it up, I'd miss you and your posts!!!!

  3. Love the t shirt! And good for you on the simplifying front. I might need to take some notes. :-)

  4. hmm, like the simplifying ideas, may have to ponder the fb thing. Love the tshirt! Girl, you come on down to TN, we'd love to show you the moonshine stills and Dollywood. Just kidding, there is lots of natural beauty round here. Good job on the bus thing, I never got to ride one as a kid and feel sort of jipped ;)

  5. I want your shirt! I always rode the bus, it was actually fun. But I will be anxious about putting my girls on it. Maybe you can help me through it!
    :) crafty texas girls

  6. Nice - rack. LOL! I also love your shirt - I'm going to have to get me and my girls matching bling from paperlili:) I rode the bus my entire childhood and I think that 'slummin' it' has it's advantages. It's the reason my kids go to public school and not private school. I think there are tremendous advantages letting my kids associate w children that are less fortunate than we are and for my children to see children that are more fortunate than we are. Socialization baby!

    1. Yeah, turns out the biotch from Paperlili (Cristy Leonard), made a pass at my husband. Apparently she thought since her husband had cheated on her, it was justified to try and whore herself out to my husband. She was a client of ours who knew good and well that he is married with three kids. To think we were nice by supporting her dinky little business by buying her overpriced tee's and such makes me sick. What a skank!?!???!!!

  7. I am probably the only person in America without a FB account. :D

  8. so glad the kids are doing well with school... and love that t! :) you go, with the simplifying... i should take note. xo
