Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pure Intent {Giving}

Random Act of Kindness: A friend giving Sophia enough clothes to last the next two years!!
Recently in our scripture study, we came across Luke 6:32-36. I got thinking of the times I've given to others. Times I've given to someone with a pure heart, expecting nothing in return whatsoever, and times I gave hoping there would be some sort of payoff, whether it be a public "thank you", a favor in return, or even a closer friendship. Maybe I had a small hope in the back of my mind that this person would think I'm generous or Christ like.

Anyone can give if you expect to get back, even wicked people. Real giving comes when you see a need and you meet that need.

Luke 6:32-36
32 For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. 33 And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same. 34 And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive , what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again . 35 But love ye your enemies, and do good , and lend , hoping for nothing again ; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
Sometimes we give only to those in our small circles...our friends and family, but it's so important we also climb out of our comfort zone and seek out those in need whether we know them or not,  and even if we like them or not! It's easy to give to the beautiful, fun, and pleasant person, it's much harder to extent a hand to the grumpy and prickly neighbor, but you never know when your kind act might fill a tiny hole in someone's wounded heart.

    A while back, I reached out to help a sick neighbor who at the time didn't like me. Her kids didn't either, and at first I was met with strange looks and less than friendly receptions however, through that experience I learned to truly love her, and we became great friends. I learned the importance of serving not just those that think fondly of us but anyone who has a need. As promised in the scriptures, the reward for my pure intentions was great!

Fast forward several years and now as a mom of three little ones, stepping out of my circle isn't so easy, but service isn't supposed to be convenient, and acts of kindness take effort; I know I can do better.
From what I hear it's 'Random Acts of Kindness Week' so, I'm putting my words into actions and finding ways to give because, isn't that what we should be doing every day?
Unintentional RAOK: Today I woke up to 13 Sunday papers...clearly the paper guy is spreading the love too. :)



  1. I love ROAK's! The world would be a better place if they took place more often :) thanks for a lovely, uplifting post on a Sabbath afternoon! xo

  2. A very important post and reminder to all of us. Thanks so much!

    Ricki Jill

  3. Thanks for sharing that! You have tremendous perspective.
    I love that quote by Plato - it's always been one of my favs.

  4. A beautiful post and very timely reminder to give with no selfish intentions for recognition in return, you nailed it! Hoping you have a very joy-filled day :)

  5. That Plato quote is one of my very favorites. Such a wonderful & thought-provoking it! And lucky you with all those papers! xoxo

  6. thanks for the great reminder...i'll be using this at the dinner table tonight :-)

  7. funny, about the papers! :)
    {lotsa coupons!}
    i agree, and the RAOK can just make your soul smile. truly. to give without expectation and to see the affects of your giving... xo

  8. UMMMMMMM i LOVE that green dresser! DId you paint it yourself? I bet you did, you are very talented. And i dont really have a favorite Vegetarian cookbook i just love them all haha!! I am dying to move to AZ i really really hope we are able to sooner than later!!!

  9. Yes, Jess! I love this. I can't wait to hear more about your simplifying stage, too. I'm right there with you! :)

  10. ..the grumpy and prickly..where there is no chance of a thank you or getting anything in return. That is much harder. Thank you for this beautiful post and a tap on my heart...that we pray to see
