Monday, February 28, 2011

Oscar Weekend

I don't have a lot of time to spare today so I'll make it quick. This weekend was colder than my liking but the rain stayed away long enough for us to have a successful school carnival. The highlight of said carnival was my sweet little Sophia braving many new things such as a pony ride.
You have to know, Sophia is very shy and cautious...OK, she's pretty much a scaredy cat! When she first saw it she was all smiles but said "too scary!", same went for the blow up slide and bounce house, but by the time we were done she had tried everything...and LOVED every minute of it! I was totally shocked.

Obviously, Sunday I watched the Oscars (while sending and receiving hundreds of texts from Chantell) sharing our thoughts on the red carpet fashions. Here's my take...

Favorite Gown & Overall Beauty:

First Place
Camila Alves w/ Matthew McConaughey
I can't even wrap my brain around how beautiful she looks in this gown. If anyone could tame Matthew McConaughey it's her!

Second Place
Melania Trump...nice look Donald!
I think she is also gorgeous in this gown and definitely my second pick for all around beauty,  the only flaw is her date. Could 'The Donald' be any more annoying?

Third Place
Sandra Bullock
One thing I loved about last night was that no one asked about J.J. nor did Sandra speak of him! Dirt Bag with a capital D!! I thought she looked super fab, the only down was that she looked tired...maybe a smoky eye or just some eyeliner would have helped. I say this while wearing the same lounge pants I wore last night to the Oscars... so what do I know? :)

Favorite Winners
Christian Bale: The Fighter
This movie was fabulous!! I was blown away in the first 20 seconds of his acting. I've always liked him as an actor but he really nailed this role...I'm still blown away by his abilities. I was BEYOND happy he won.

Colin Firth: The King's Speech
I was also happy Colin Firth won for Best Actor. Not only did he do a fabulous job in The King's Speech, I love all his movies and thought it was time for him to win.

Biggest Upset (for me)
Amy Adams
I thought she should have won for Best Supporting actress however, the good news is the woman that won played the mom in The Fighter (so that eased the blow for me), I think Amy looked a little bummed that she didn't win though. Don't get me wrong, Melissa Leo was amazing too, but I was a little surprised she beat out Amy...maybe after seeing it a second time, I'll feel differently. I'm also sure Amy would have given a more classy acceptance speech...dropping the 'F Bomb'...really?

Least Favorite Gown
Kate Blanchett
While I love Kate Blanchett, and thought her hair and make-up were gorgeous (as usual)...I didn't care for this gown. It has pretty eliments to it, but I thought the circle thing was too distracting. The dress was artistic and interesting, but I'd rather have seen her in something more classic.

Favorite Film

The Social Network
My top three favorite movies this year were: The Social Network, The Fighter & The King's Speech (in that order). I was a little disappointed The Social Network didn't win Best Film. I thought it was fast paced, smart and relevant. I liked The King's Speech, and thought it was a great story of friendship and perceverance, but it was a little slow at times. I do love that it sheds light on those who are struggling with studdering and hopefully will help others be more compassionate toward them. As for The Fighter, it was totally insperational, I just wish they could have done it without using the language, but then again, it's a true story about a drug addict.

The Hosts:

James Franco and Anne Hathaway
 I'm not a huge Anne Hathaway fan so going into it I thought I'd be annoyed with her hosting abbilities...not the case! Poor girl had to work overtime to make up for her dry co host James Franco. I thought I'd enjoy him, but instead, found him boring (not to mention he himself looked totally bored)! In this photo he's actually smiling, but for the most part his head was tilted back and to the side like he was half asleep. I was bummed I didn't get the chance to see his film 127 Hours, but now I doubt I will.  At least Anne looked fabulous in all her costume changes...she sure knows how to work a gown.

OK, enough of this nonsense...time to get back to reality and things that really matter, like laundry and Miss Sophia. :) Have a fabulous week!!


  1. Let me just say, I read this post after hitting 'publish' and am laughing out loud! I'm a total nerd, and those of you who know me in real life, know I'm kind of a celebrity yeah! :)

  2. Jessica, girl, I hope you haven't started something with Sophia. It only took a pony ride at a birthday party for my oldest and she started taking riding lessons and showing horses. The younger one is following in her sister's footsteps. This is why my wardrobe is so pitiful....because the horses' shoes cost more than mine!!!

    She looks adorable, and it looks like she has a nice "seat". Look how tall she is sitting in the saddle!

    Thanks for the Oscar recap as I missed it, and I have not seen any of the nominated movies, either (for the first time in my life)...

    I will catch them on Apple TV.

  3. Oh I only watched the Oscars for a second, but James Franco was totally dullsville! I wonder if he was just nervous or something, but man that boy is cute. But apparently no personality. And I sometimes like Anne Hatheaway, but she had the fakest laugh ever last night!

  4. Camila was gorgeous as were the other two. Sandra did look tired. I couldn't put my finger on it until I read your words. I love Sandra. I watched a little bit of it but then went to bed:( Sick kid the last four days.
    Your little Sophia is a doll...she will grow up to be the bravest woman. You wait and see!

  5. i tried to watch, i really did. but all i really want to know is: who wore what, best film, actor and actress. that's all. so i went to sleep and caught the cliff notes on the today show this morning! ;)

    and btw, i could not agree more with your least favorite: stunning woman, super weird dress!

    p.s. cute, cute photo of miss sophia! she looks like a natural!

  6. I got back from a retreat with our college girls and was so excited to watch the Oscars!.....ended up falling asleep right after it started, so I LOVE this post!!

    You are NOT alone in your love for all things celebrity.....I'm there with you.

  7. I love the Oscar rundown. I just don't have the patience for those awards shows. I'll try to watch and then end up getting antsy after about 5 minutes. Sitting down is not my forte. My honey calls me a psycho. I prefer to think of it as high-energy.

    And yay for Sophia for being so brave! Maggie is the exact same way, scared of everything. But now she has to keep up with Annie so she's been forced to get a lot braver! :-) It is funny to see the 1 year old doing things first.

    xoxo miss you! How's the couponing going??

  8. i wish i could have sat there on the sofa w you oscar night! i would have loved your rundown on it all!! :) this was fun...

    and kudos to sophia!


  9. Good picks! I totally agree with you :) The dress on Kate makes her look like a chair. Not good. This was the first year that I have really sat down and watched the entire show. It was pretty interesting- thanks of course to the fashion!

  10. great photo choices, I like the chosen ones too! Just saw "Unknown" tonight with my hubby, totally recommend it for you!
