Sunday, March 13, 2011

High Speeds

Kimball and Kade worked hard for three days on his Pinewood Derby car. It paid off because Kade took home the first place trophy (in his age group)!!!!
His buddy Mikey was there to witness it which made it even that much more fun.
Kade didn't realize his trophy said 1st place until we got to the parking lot, he can be a little non observant sometimes...which leads me to my next story.
A few weeks ago I did a bad thing.
I got a $450 speeding ticket!
Yip, I sure did.
It sucked.
I was mad, at the officer and at myself for not noticing the 'reduced speed sign'.
I was almost home from a ninety minute drive...
so close.
Needless to say, I spent my Saturday here...
The first stage was denial then anger, denial then more anger.
I think now I'm at remorse and possibly having an
epiphany that I need to slow down, not be in such a hurry to get places
 and most of all...
be more observant.
It's unfortunately one of my downfalls.



  1. Jake won 1st in his age and 5th overall! He was so proud of his car. It was his first ever race!

  2. Congrats to Kade! Indy saw the trophy and said "Wow! That is a SWEET trophy!"
    Bummer on the speeding ticket. I'm so afraid of what's going to happen when we move back to the States. I'm so used to being able to drive really, really fast that I KNOW I'm going to spend half my Saturdays in traffic school.

  3. I know I commented on this post before but for some reason it's not here. He looks SO proud, it is adorable. And OUCH on that ticket. I hope traffic school got the fine reduced.

    Anyway, I miss you girl! How ya doing?
