Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Books and Movies

Over Christmas break we watched a lot of old movies with my parents. The kids love it and frankly I did too, it brings back good childhood memories.

Here's the list...
  1. Mr. McGorium's Wonder Imporium
  2. Rear Window
  3. To Catch a Thief
  4. It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
  5. The Great Race
  6.  Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?

I also read two books and have started another. The first was Sarah Palin's new book called America By Heart.

I found this book to be a great motivator to stick to things even when they are hard, to have the love of country that our founding father's had and to stand up for the things I believe, to have faith in our God who will always be there for us. I wasn't a big Sarah Palin fan when I started this book, her voice annoys me and she's a little cheesy at times, but I think she's one tough cookie and I admire her for her dedication to America and her family values. I think this book gave me the boost I need to stop hiding my head under the covers and avoiding the difficult (and at times uncomfortable) discussions we should all be having if we are going to get this country moving forward again.

Do I hope she runs for president...no.

Enough about that, the next book was Decision Points by George W. Bush. Two words: LOVED IT! Like I told my facebook friends, if I didn't already have an awesome dad I'd want 'W'.

Though all the political jargon was new to me, I still stumbled my way through it and ended up really liking it. I've always liked Bush but now I have a new perspective of him. I think he's an incredible President who was foreordained to serve at that specific war time.

Thank goodness for politians who have stong morals and don't just change their views according to what's popular. He was a solid leader who meant what he said, stood firm in his beliefs, yet changed courses when necesarry. I love that he admits when he was wrong and even says what he (and we) can learn from those mistakes. George W. is highly compassionate, he truly mourned the loss of each American life lost, and it was evident to me throughout his presidency.

I can't imagine having the weight of the world on my shoulders the way President Bush did, yet he remained steadfast and never faultered in his duty to protect our country. In my eyes he is someone to look up to...a modern day hero indeed!

Now I'm reading a book called Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Breathnach. I love inspirational/motivational/do better books, so I'm enjoying it so far...I'll let you know what I decide once I'm finished. The basic idea is to find the things that make you happy, the small things like polka dot mugs :) and $1 Target socks. Getting cought up in the persuit of obtaining worldy possession to be happy is easy to do. I'd say as a blogger it's really easy to do. Looking at everyone's "perfect homes" or even if they don't come off as perfect, we get so many great (but sometimes costly) ideas or wants.

Finish my thoughts later...


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